Research: Pre-work Strengthens Learner Engagement

Talent Development
Publications, Research-Informed Insights, Workplace Learning

Enhancing Learning Outcomes with Pre-Read Digital Materials: Insights for Workplace Learning Professionals

Sometimes a very simple, low-tech action can make a significant learning impact. A recent research study conducted at the University of Otago, New Zealand, offers valuable insights into the impact of providing digital lecture materials to students before scheduled lectures. Their research highlights the impact of providing pre-work that sets the context for learning.

Understanding the Role of Digital Materials in Learning Preparation

The study at the University of Otago focused on first-year Health Science students, examining how access to digital materials prior to lectures influenced their learning experience. The findings were significant: students reported enhanced preparation, improved note-taking abilities, and increased engagement with content and lecturers. This suggests that early access to learning materials can be a potent tool in preparing employees for training sessions and workshops.

Critical Thinking about Research

It’s important to note that this data is the learners rating the experience for themselves, and not a measure of learning gains or behavior change. While this is limited, it is still useful. The research does not claim learning impacts, but does show that learner engagement (a critical part of learning) is higher when learners feel well-prepared. If you were debating whether to use pre-work as part of your learning intervention, you can inform you decision with this research.

Impact on Class Attendance and Engagement

Lecturers were concerned that providing materials beforehand would lead to fewer learners attending class. However, the study revealed that access to pre-work (digital resources) did not deter class attendance. Instead, it encouraged students to attend lectures, as they felt better prepared and more engaged. This outcome is crucial for workplace learning professionals, as it underscores the importance of accessibility to training materials in fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

Put it to Work

Workplace learning professionals can apply these insights by:

  1. Providing employees with digital resources ahead of training sessions to enhance preparation and engagement.
  2. Recognizing that early access to materials does not negate the need for interactive learning sessions but rather complements them.
  3. Tailoring learning experiences to accommodate diverse learning styles and preferences, including gender differences.

The Takeaway

The integration of digital resources before formal learning sessions significantly enhances the overall learning experience. For workplace learning professionals, this approach not only prepares learners but also fosters active engagement and participation. By adopting these strategies, organizations can create more effective and inclusive learning environments that cater to diverse needs and learning styles.


Daniel, B. K., & Bird, R. (2019). Attention! Student voice: Providing students with digital learning materials before scheduled lectures improves learning experience. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 18(3).

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