Leonardo Institute Lab aims to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to create innovative tools that will transform and enhance the field of learning and talent development.

Leonardo Labs startup blending artificial intelligence and learning and talent development professionals.
The Lab aims to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to create innovative tools that will transform and enhance the field of learning and talent development. A key goal is to enable learning and development (L&D) professionals to do their jobs faster, more efficiently, and at a lower cost by automating repetitive tasks and providing intelligent assistance.

By integrating these AI capabilities into the learning experience, the Lab seeks to create more targeted, engaging training content that responds to each learner’s strengths and development areas. L&D teams could then leverage analytics dashboards to monitor program effectiveness, spot potential problems early, and continuously optimize their initiatives.

In essence, the Lab aims to augment human learning and development experts with smarter tools that reduce drudgery and manual work. This will empower L&D teams to have greater reach, scale impact across their organizations, demonstrate value to stakeholders, and ultimately help employees thrive. By lowering costs and barriers to training, the Lab also hopes to advance skills development as a means of increasing access to opportunity.
Publications, Research-Informed Insights, Workplace Learning